
Callagiddy Station, commonly referred to as Callagiddy, is a pastoral lease that operates as a cattle station in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. The name Callagiddy is a Kimberly name picked up on a droving trip by the original owner Dansy Powell. It means, like many Aboriginal place names, "plenty water" and is pronounced with a hard G (J). Why the name Callagiddy was significant to Powell is unknown, however he named his seventh child, "Amy Callagiddy Powell". The original homestead on Callagiddy was located in the north-east section of the property known today as "Old Callagiddy". It was later relocated "lock, stock and barrel" to the centre of the property, when the lease was expanded in 1918, where it stands today.It is situated about 41 kilometres (25 mi) south east of Carn


Callagiddy Station, commonly referred to as Callagiddy, is a pastoral lease that operates as a cattle station in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. The name Callagiddy is a Kimberly name picked up on a droving trip by the original owner Dansy Powell. It means, like many Aboriginal place names, "plenty water" and is pronounced with a hard G (J). Why the name Callagiddy was significant to Powell is unknown, however he named his seventh child, "Amy Callagiddy Powell". The original homestead on Callagiddy was located in the north-east section of the property known today as "Old Callagiddy". It was later relocated "lock, stock and barrel" to the centre of the property, when the lease was expanded in 1918, where it stands today.It is situated about 41 kilometres (25 mi) south east of Carn