Camp Crockett

Camp Crockett was established in late 1967 on the Fort Gordon, Georgia, federal reservation for the training of soldiers preparatory to Airborne and Special Forces schools during the Vietnam war. Located on an isolated part of the installation, the camp included a mockup of a village set up to look like one that would be encountered in Vietnam. Soldiers training at the camp were housed in Quonset huts, one of which served as a field kitchen.

Camp Crockett

Camp Crockett was established in late 1967 on the Fort Gordon, Georgia, federal reservation for the training of soldiers preparatory to Airborne and Special Forces schools during the Vietnam war. Located on an isolated part of the installation, the camp included a mockup of a village set up to look like one that would be encountered in Vietnam. Soldiers training at the camp were housed in Quonset huts, one of which served as a field kitchen.