Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism

The Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism (CISA) is one of seven institutes in the world dedicated to the scholarly study of antisemitism. Founded in 2010 by Canadian historian Dr. Catherine Chatterley, the Institute is a national organization based in Winnipeg. CISA's Annual Shindleman Family Lecture has been delivered by US State Department Special Envoy Hannah Rosenthal, Deborah Lipstadt, Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Alvin Rosenfeld, Jeffrey Herf, Irwin Cotler, and David Harris.

Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism

The Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism (CISA) is one of seven institutes in the world dedicated to the scholarly study of antisemitism. Founded in 2010 by Canadian historian Dr. Catherine Chatterley, the Institute is a national organization based in Winnipeg. CISA's Annual Shindleman Family Lecture has been delivered by US State Department Special Envoy Hannah Rosenthal, Deborah Lipstadt, Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Alvin Rosenfeld, Jeffrey Herf, Irwin Cotler, and David Harris.