Canadian diamonds

Canadian diamonds are diamonds which have been mined in any one of the major Provinces and territories of Canada. Diamond-rich areas weren't commercially extracted in Canada until the early 1990s. Before that time, diamonds were only known by Indigenous communities. For the first 60 years of the 20th century, diamonds originated from kimberlite pipes and alluvial deposits in places such as Africa and some from South America. Later, diamond discoveries were made in the Soviet Union (now Russia). Since the 1990s, major diamond discoveries were made and mining operations began. Canadian diamonds play a large role in the world market of diamonds.

Canadian diamonds

Canadian diamonds are diamonds which have been mined in any one of the major Provinces and territories of Canada. Diamond-rich areas weren't commercially extracted in Canada until the early 1990s. Before that time, diamonds were only known by Indigenous communities. For the first 60 years of the 20th century, diamonds originated from kimberlite pipes and alluvial deposits in places such as Africa and some from South America. Later, diamond discoveries were made in the Soviet Union (now Russia). Since the 1990s, major diamond discoveries were made and mining operations began. Canadian diamonds play a large role in the world market of diamonds.