Canadian public debt

Canadian government debt, also called Canada's "public debt", is the liabilities of the government sector. For 2019 (the fiscal year ending 31 March 2020), total financial liabilities or gross debt was $2.434 trillion ($64,087 per capita) for the consolidated Canadian general government (federal, provincial, territorial, and local governments combined). This corresponds to 105.3% as a ratio of GDP (GDP was $2311 billion). Of the gross debt, $1145 billion or 47% was federal (central) government liabilities (49.6% as a ratio to GDP). Provincial government liabilities comprise most of the remaining liabilities.

Canadian public debt

Canadian government debt, also called Canada's "public debt", is the liabilities of the government sector. For 2019 (the fiscal year ending 31 March 2020), total financial liabilities or gross debt was $2.434 trillion ($64,087 per capita) for the consolidated Canadian general government (federal, provincial, territorial, and local governments combined). This corresponds to 105.3% as a ratio of GDP (GDP was $2311 billion). Of the gross debt, $1145 billion or 47% was federal (central) government liabilities (49.6% as a ratio to GDP). Provincial government liabilities comprise most of the remaining liabilities.