Canoe Lake Cree First Nation

Canoe Lake Cree First Nation is a Cree First Nation based in the settlement of Canoe Narrows, Saskatchewan. The Nation is a member of Meadow Lake Tribal Council Tribal Council. Their reserves include: * Canoe Lake 165 (includes Canoe Narrows) approximately 340 km (210 mi) northwest of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. * Canoe Lake 165A * Canoe Lake 165B * Eagles Lake 165C * Onikahp Sahghikansis 165E * Roadside 165F * Wepuskow Sahgaiechan 165D

Canoe Lake Cree First Nation

Canoe Lake Cree First Nation is a Cree First Nation based in the settlement of Canoe Narrows, Saskatchewan. The Nation is a member of Meadow Lake Tribal Council Tribal Council. Their reserves include: * Canoe Lake 165 (includes Canoe Narrows) approximately 340 km (210 mi) northwest of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. * Canoe Lake 165A * Canoe Lake 165B * Eagles Lake 165C * Onikahp Sahghikansis 165E * Roadside 165F * Wepuskow Sahgaiechan 165D