Cape Verdeans in Sweden

Cape Verdeans in Sweden are citizens and residents of Sweden who are of Cape Verden descent. In 1995, it was estimated that there were 3,000 people of Cape Verdean descent in Scandinavia. One of the most famous Swedes of Cape Verdean descent is footballer Henrik Larsson, who was born to a Cape Verdean father and a Swedish mother, his son Jordan Larsson is also now a full Swedish international after being born in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.

Cape Verdeans in Sweden

Cape Verdeans in Sweden are citizens and residents of Sweden who are of Cape Verden descent. In 1995, it was estimated that there were 3,000 people of Cape Verdean descent in Scandinavia. One of the most famous Swedes of Cape Verdean descent is footballer Henrik Larsson, who was born to a Cape Verdean father and a Swedish mother, his son Jordan Larsson is also now a full Swedish international after being born in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.