
Capsulotomy (BrE /kæpsjuː'lɒtəmi/, AmE /kæpsuː'lɑːtəmi/) is a type of eye surgery in which an incision is made into the capsule of the crystalline lens of the eye. In modern cataract operations, the lens capsule is usually not removed. The most common forms of cataract surgery remove nearly all of the crystalline lens but do not remove the crystalline lens capsule (the outer “bag” layer of the crystalline lens). The crystalline lens capsule is retained and used to contain and position the intraocular lens implant (IOL).


Capsulotomy (BrE /kæpsjuː'lɒtəmi/, AmE /kæpsuː'lɑːtəmi/) is a type of eye surgery in which an incision is made into the capsule of the crystalline lens of the eye. In modern cataract operations, the lens capsule is usually not removed. The most common forms of cataract surgery remove nearly all of the crystalline lens but do not remove the crystalline lens capsule (the outer “bag” layer of the crystalline lens). The crystalline lens capsule is retained and used to contain and position the intraocular lens implant (IOL).