Carlo Lottieri

Carlo Lottieri (born 6 November 1960, Brescia) is Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Verona. He holds a bachelor's degree (summa cum laude) in Philosophy from the University of Genoa, a M.A. from the Institut Universitaire d’Etudes Européens (now attached to the University of Geneva), a M.A. and a Ph.D. from the Paris-Sorbonne University. His research interests cover Philosophy of Law, Federalism, Libertarianism, political theology, Religion and Public Life, Military Ethics, Elitism, Evolutionary Theory of Law, Commons and Private Property, Modern State. He edited many works by Bruno Leoni in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Czech.

Carlo Lottieri

Carlo Lottieri (born 6 November 1960, Brescia) is Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Verona. He holds a bachelor's degree (summa cum laude) in Philosophy from the University of Genoa, a M.A. from the Institut Universitaire d’Etudes Européens (now attached to the University of Geneva), a M.A. and a Ph.D. from the Paris-Sorbonne University. His research interests cover Philosophy of Law, Federalism, Libertarianism, political theology, Religion and Public Life, Military Ethics, Elitism, Evolutionary Theory of Law, Commons and Private Property, Modern State. He edited many works by Bruno Leoni in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Czech.