Carlo Zoccoli

Carlo Zoccoli (1718–1771) was an Italian architect, engineer, and scientific writer, active mainly in Southern Italy. He was born in Naples. At the age of seventeen, he entered the corps of engineers of the Kingdom of Naples, and very soon became master of fortifications. Due to a delicate constitution, he quit the military, and devoted himself to the civil architecture, and published a treatise entitled Della Servitu. He published a work titled Della gravitazione dei corpi e della forza dei fluidi (On the Gravitation of Bodies, and the Power of Fluids). He was chosen by the deputies of the city Examinatore de' Tavolari of the S. R. Council.

Carlo Zoccoli

Carlo Zoccoli (1718–1771) was an Italian architect, engineer, and scientific writer, active mainly in Southern Italy. He was born in Naples. At the age of seventeen, he entered the corps of engineers of the Kingdom of Naples, and very soon became master of fortifications. Due to a delicate constitution, he quit the military, and devoted himself to the civil architecture, and published a treatise entitled Della Servitu. He published a work titled Della gravitazione dei corpi e della forza dei fluidi (On the Gravitation of Bodies, and the Power of Fluids). He was chosen by the deputies of the city Examinatore de' Tavolari of the S. R. Council.