Carmeuse Lime & Stone (railroad)

Carmeuse Lime & Stone (railroad) are any of the short-line, freight-carrying railroads operated by Carmeuse Lime & Stone along the shoreline of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan in the U.S. state of Michigan. Carmeuse operates two major Michigan quarries, and uses a variety of transportation methods, including stub short lines, to carry crushed stone and aggregate to waterfront locations where the material can be placed on conveyor belts for water transportation.

Carmeuse Lime & Stone (railroad)

Carmeuse Lime & Stone (railroad) are any of the short-line, freight-carrying railroads operated by Carmeuse Lime & Stone along the shoreline of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan in the U.S. state of Michigan. Carmeuse operates two major Michigan quarries, and uses a variety of transportation methods, including stub short lines, to carry crushed stone and aggregate to waterfront locations where the material can be placed on conveyor belts for water transportation.