Carnon River

The Carnon River is a heavily polluted river in Cornwall, England. It starts in Chacewater. and flow into the Carnon before it merges with to become Restronguet Creek, which eventually flows into the English Channel at the mouth of Carrick Roads. The Nebra sky disc, a gold-decorated bronze disc found in Germany and dated to the Bronze Age, contains both gold and tin from the Carnon valley.

Carnon River

The Carnon River is a heavily polluted river in Cornwall, England. It starts in Chacewater. and flow into the Carnon before it merges with to become Restronguet Creek, which eventually flows into the English Channel at the mouth of Carrick Roads. The Nebra sky disc, a gold-decorated bronze disc found in Germany and dated to the Bronze Age, contains both gold and tin from the Carnon valley.