Carrick Church

Situated in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, Carrick Church (Teampall Carraig) is approximately one mile to the north-west of the village of Derrygonnelly, on the shore of Carrick Lough. The Church is a late medieval structure built by the local chieftain of the time, Gilbert O'Flanagan II, and his wife Margaret in 1483 in 'Honour of God and Mary'. The O'Flanagan sept, who supplied many of the clergy for both Devenish and Inishmacsaint, were the chieftains of Tuatha Rátha. The territory of Tuatha Rátha covered approximately the area which is known today as the Barony of Magheraboy and their stronghold was situated at Baile Uí Fhlanagain in the townland of Aghamore on the shores of Carrick Lake.

Carrick Church

Situated in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, Carrick Church (Teampall Carraig) is approximately one mile to the north-west of the village of Derrygonnelly, on the shore of Carrick Lough. The Church is a late medieval structure built by the local chieftain of the time, Gilbert O'Flanagan II, and his wife Margaret in 1483 in 'Honour of God and Mary'. The O'Flanagan sept, who supplied many of the clergy for both Devenish and Inishmacsaint, were the chieftains of Tuatha Rátha. The territory of Tuatha Rátha covered approximately the area which is known today as the Barony of Magheraboy and their stronghold was situated at Baile Uí Fhlanagain in the townland of Aghamore on the shores of Carrick Lake.