Carso DOC

Carso – Kras is an Italian wine-producing zone located in the provinces Trieste and Gorizia in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, on the border with Slovenia. It was classified as a Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) in 1985 and produces both red and white wine. It takes its name from the Carso plateau and covers 57 hectares. It has produced 1, 080 hl total 2013/2014, with an average of 11, 240 cases bottled annually.

Carso DOC

Carso – Kras is an Italian wine-producing zone located in the provinces Trieste and Gorizia in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, on the border with Slovenia. It was classified as a Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) in 1985 and produces both red and white wine. It takes its name from the Carso plateau and covers 57 hectares. It has produced 1, 080 hl total 2013/2014, with an average of 11, 240 cases bottled annually.