Casablanca Finance City

Casablanca Finance City (Arabic: القطب المالي للدار البيضاء‎) (CFC) is an economic and financial hub aspiring to become a bridging platform between the north and the south. It seeks to attract and encourage international institutions and investors to invest and operate in North, West and Central Africa and to choose Casablanca as a gateway to access this region. CFC intends to build an all-encompassing ecosystem evolving around three business categories: financial companies, professional services providers and regional or international headquarters of multinationals.

Casablanca Finance City

Casablanca Finance City (Arabic: القطب المالي للدار البيضاء‎) (CFC) is an economic and financial hub aspiring to become a bridging platform between the north and the south. It seeks to attract and encourage international institutions and investors to invest and operate in North, West and Central Africa and to choose Casablanca as a gateway to access this region. CFC intends to build an all-encompassing ecosystem evolving around three business categories: financial companies, professional services providers and regional or international headquarters of multinationals.