Cash carrier

Cash carriers were used in shops and department stores to carry customers' payments from the sales assistant to the cashier and to carry the change and receipt back again. The benefits of a "centralised" cash system were that it could be more closely supervised by management, there was less opportunity for pilfering (as change would be counted both by the cashier and by the sales assistant), and it freed up the assistant to attend to the customer and perhaps make further or better sales.

Cash carrier

Cash carriers were used in shops and department stores to carry customers' payments from the sales assistant to the cashier and to carry the change and receipt back again. The benefits of a "centralised" cash system were that it could be more closely supervised by management, there was less opportunity for pilfering (as change would be counted both by the cashier and by the sales assistant), and it freed up the assistant to attend to the customer and perhaps make further or better sales.