Caste system among South Asian Muslims

Although Islam advocates for the complete removal of any castes in society, Muslim communities in South Asia, apply a system of religious stratification. It developed as a result of ethnic segregation between the foreign conquerors (Ashraf) and the local converts (Ajlaf) as well as the continuation of the Indian caste system among local converts. The Biradari system is how social stratification manifests itself in Pakistan, and to an extent also India.

Caste system among South Asian Muslims

Although Islam advocates for the complete removal of any castes in society, Muslim communities in South Asia, apply a system of religious stratification. It developed as a result of ethnic segregation between the foreign conquerors (Ashraf) and the local converts (Ajlaf) as well as the continuation of the Indian caste system among local converts. The Biradari system is how social stratification manifests itself in Pakistan, and to an extent also India.