Castilian-Basque aristocracy

In Chile the Castilian-Basque aristocracy (Spanish: aristocracia castellano-vasca) is a social group that made up the social and political elite of the country once it gained independence in the early 19th century. The social standing of the Castilian-Basque aristocracy was left largely unharmed by the abolition of the titles of nobility in 1817 and the mayorazgo institution of inheritance in 1852.

Castilian-Basque aristocracy

In Chile the Castilian-Basque aristocracy (Spanish: aristocracia castellano-vasca) is a social group that made up the social and political elite of the country once it gained independence in the early 19th century. The social standing of the Castilian-Basque aristocracy was left largely unharmed by the abolition of the titles of nobility in 1817 and the mayorazgo institution of inheritance in 1852.