Castor Hanglands National Nature Reserve

Castor Hanglands is an 89.8 hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest west of Peterborough in Cambridgeshire. The site is also a National Nature Reserve, and it is a Nature Conservation Review site, Grade I for its woodlands and Grade 2 for its grassland. It is common land managed by Natural England. There is access by going south along Heath Road from Helpston, going straight on at the crossroads and then along a track westward to the reserve.

Castor Hanglands National Nature Reserve

Castor Hanglands is an 89.8 hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest west of Peterborough in Cambridgeshire. The site is also a National Nature Reserve, and it is a Nature Conservation Review site, Grade I for its woodlands and Grade 2 for its grassland. It is common land managed by Natural England. There is access by going south along Heath Road from Helpston, going straight on at the crossroads and then along a track westward to the reserve.