Catalan vault

The Catalan vault (Catalan: volta catalana), also called thin-tile vault, Catalan turn, Catalan arch, boveda ceiling (Spanish bóveda 'vault'), or timbrel vault, is a type of low brickwork arch forming a vaulted ceiling that often supports a floor above. It is constructed by laying a first layer of light bricks lengthwise "in space", without centering nor formwork, and has a much gentler curve than most other methods of construction. The technique was brought to New Spain (colonial México), and is still used in parts of contemporary Mexico.

Catalan vault

The Catalan vault (Catalan: volta catalana), also called thin-tile vault, Catalan turn, Catalan arch, boveda ceiling (Spanish bóveda 'vault'), or timbrel vault, is a type of low brickwork arch forming a vaulted ceiling that often supports a floor above. It is constructed by laying a first layer of light bricks lengthwise "in space", without centering nor formwork, and has a much gentler curve than most other methods of construction. The technique was brought to New Spain (colonial México), and is still used in parts of contemporary Mexico.