Cecil Jay

Cecil Jay (1883–1954) was an Anglo-American painter, mainly of portraits and miniatures. A native of London, Jay received her early instruction there, first at the Royal College of Art and later under Hubert von Herkomer before traveling to the Netherlands. Here she studied with the American expatriate George Hitchcock, marrying him in 1905. After he died in 1913, she took American citizenship. After World War I, she married a retired British civil servant, Oliver Vassall Calder, with whom she lived in Oxford. She died in Oxford.

Cecil Jay

Cecil Jay (1883–1954) was an Anglo-American painter, mainly of portraits and miniatures. A native of London, Jay received her early instruction there, first at the Royal College of Art and later under Hubert von Herkomer before traveling to the Netherlands. Here she studied with the American expatriate George Hitchcock, marrying him in 1905. After he died in 1913, she took American citizenship. After World War I, she married a retired British civil servant, Oliver Vassall Calder, with whom she lived in Oxford. She died in Oxford.