Cedar Boys

Cedar Boys is a 2009 Australian film about the life of Middle Eastern young adults in Western Sydney, Australia. Written, directed and co-produced by Serhat Caradee and produced by Matthew Dabner, Ranko Markovic, Jeff Purser. Cedar Boys had its world premiere at the 2009 Sydney Film Festival. It opened in theatres on 30 July 2009 and was made available on DVD on 7 December 2009. The film has a dedication at the end to Caradee's mother, who died of cancer nineteen days after the film was completed.

Cedar Boys

Cedar Boys is a 2009 Australian film about the life of Middle Eastern young adults in Western Sydney, Australia. Written, directed and co-produced by Serhat Caradee and produced by Matthew Dabner, Ranko Markovic, Jeff Purser. Cedar Boys had its world premiere at the 2009 Sydney Film Festival. It opened in theatres on 30 July 2009 and was made available on DVD on 7 December 2009. The film has a dedication at the end to Caradee's mother, who died of cancer nineteen days after the film was completed.