Ceh Pech

Ceh Pech (pronounced Keh Pech, 'Ceh (deer): patronymic, perhaps Ah Ceh; Pech (tick), perhaps also a patronymic composed of the union of two family names') is the name of a post-classic Maya ruling family and a province, or kuchkabal of the northern Yucatán Peninsula. It existed before the Spanish conquest of the Yucatán in the 16th century. The Pech family exists to the present day.

Ceh Pech

Ceh Pech (pronounced Keh Pech, 'Ceh (deer): patronymic, perhaps Ah Ceh; Pech (tick), perhaps also a patronymic composed of the union of two family names') is the name of a post-classic Maya ruling family and a province, or kuchkabal of the northern Yucatán Peninsula. It existed before the Spanish conquest of the Yucatán in the 16th century. The Pech family exists to the present day.