Cell plate

Cytokinesis in terrestrial plants occurs by cell plate formation. This process entails the delivery of Golgi-derived and endosomal vesicles carrying cell wall and cell membrane components to the plane of cell division and the subsequent fusion of these vesicles within this plate. The heavy dependence of cell plate formation on active Golgi stacks explains why plant cells, unlike animal cells, do not disassemble their secretion machinery during cell division.

Cell plate

Cytokinesis in terrestrial plants occurs by cell plate formation. This process entails the delivery of Golgi-derived and endosomal vesicles carrying cell wall and cell membrane components to the plane of cell division and the subsequent fusion of these vesicles within this plate. The heavy dependence of cell plate formation on active Golgi stacks explains why plant cells, unlike animal cells, do not disassemble their secretion machinery during cell division.