Celulose Irani

Celulose Irani is a Brazilian pulp and paper company that was founded in 1941, by families of the State of Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. At that time, in order to provide infrastructure for the company project, they also built a Village so the workers could live closer to the plant. It was settled in Campina da Alegria, a district within the City of Vargem Bonita, State of Santa Catarina - Brazil. Nowadays, the city holds approximately 1.300 inhabitants, most of them directly or indirectly related to IRANI.

Celulose Irani

Celulose Irani is a Brazilian pulp and paper company that was founded in 1941, by families of the State of Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. At that time, in order to provide infrastructure for the company project, they also built a Village so the workers could live closer to the plant. It was settled in Campina da Alegria, a district within the City of Vargem Bonita, State of Santa Catarina - Brazil. Nowadays, the city holds approximately 1.300 inhabitants, most of them directly or indirectly related to IRANI.