
Centrenergo (Ukrainian: «Центренерго») is a major electric and thermal energy producing company in central Ukraine and eastern Ukraine. The main activities of Centerenergo are the production of electricity supplied to the wholesale electricity market of Ukraine and the production of thermal energy. The company's share in the total electricity production of Ukraine is about 8%, in the structure of thermal generation - about 18%. It plays a significant role in maintaining and regulating the country's energy balance.


Centrenergo (Ukrainian: «Центренерго») is a major electric and thermal energy producing company in central Ukraine and eastern Ukraine. The main activities of Centerenergo are the production of electricity supplied to the wholesale electricity market of Ukraine and the production of thermal energy. The company's share in the total electricity production of Ukraine is about 8%, in the structure of thermal generation - about 18%. It plays a significant role in maintaining and regulating the country's energy balance.