Ceylon (programming language)

Ceylon is an object-oriented, strongly statically typed programming language with an emphasis on immutability, created by Red Hat. Ceylon programs run on the Java virtual machine (JVM), and could be compiled to JavaScript.The language design focuses on source code readability, predictability, toolability, modularity, and metaprogrammability. Important features of Ceylon include: The name "Ceylon" is an oblique reference to Java, in that Java and Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, are islands known for growth and export of coffee and tea.

Ceylon (programming language)

Ceylon is an object-oriented, strongly statically typed programming language with an emphasis on immutability, created by Red Hat. Ceylon programs run on the Java virtual machine (JVM), and could be compiled to JavaScript.The language design focuses on source code readability, predictability, toolability, modularity, and metaprogrammability. Important features of Ceylon include: The name "Ceylon" is an oblique reference to Java, in that Java and Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, are islands known for growth and export of coffee and tea.