Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Urmyā

The Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Urmiā (also spelled Urmia or called Rezayeh; informally called Urmyā of the Chaldeans) is a Metropolitan archeparchy (Eastern Catholic archdiocese) of the Chaldean Catholic Church (Syro-Oriental Rite in Syriac language) with see in Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province, north-west Iran. Its cathedral archiepiscopal see is the Cathedral of St. Mary the Mother of God, in Urmia, Iran.

Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Urmyā

The Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Urmiā (also spelled Urmia or called Rezayeh; informally called Urmyā of the Chaldeans) is a Metropolitan archeparchy (Eastern Catholic archdiocese) of the Chaldean Catholic Church (Syro-Oriental Rite in Syriac language) with see in Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province, north-west Iran. Its cathedral archiepiscopal see is the Cathedral of St. Mary the Mother of God, in Urmia, Iran.