Chamonix NG Cars

Chamonix NG Cars is a Brazilian automobile manufacturer based in São Paulo. Until about 2011 it was known as Chamonix Indústria e Comércio and located in Jarinu (SP). The "NG" in the company name stands for New Generation. The company was founded in 1987 by Milton Masteguin, formerly with Puma Cars as constructor of racing vehicles, and the US-American automotive engineer Chuck Beck. The company is focused on creating 1950s style fibre glass replicas of Porsche cars with current Volkswagen technology. The company exports worldwide and body kits are also available.

Chamonix NG Cars

Chamonix NG Cars is a Brazilian automobile manufacturer based in São Paulo. Until about 2011 it was known as Chamonix Indústria e Comércio and located in Jarinu (SP). The "NG" in the company name stands for New Generation. The company was founded in 1987 by Milton Masteguin, formerly with Puma Cars as constructor of racing vehicles, and the US-American automotive engineer Chuck Beck. The company is focused on creating 1950s style fibre glass replicas of Porsche cars with current Volkswagen technology. The company exports worldwide and body kits are also available.