Characteristic 2 type

In mathematical finite group theory, a group is said to be of characteristic 2 type or even type or of even characteristic if it resembles a group of Lie type over a field of characteristic 2. In the classification of finite simple groups, there is a major division between group of characteristic 2 type, where involutions resemble unipotent elements, and other groups, where involutions resemble semisimple elements. Groups of characteristic 2 type and rank at least 3 are classified by the trichotomy theorem.

Characteristic 2 type

In mathematical finite group theory, a group is said to be of characteristic 2 type or even type or of even characteristic if it resembles a group of Lie type over a field of characteristic 2. In the classification of finite simple groups, there is a major division between group of characteristic 2 type, where involutions resemble unipotent elements, and other groups, where involutions resemble semisimple elements. Groups of characteristic 2 type and rank at least 3 are classified by the trichotomy theorem.