Charles H. Lindsey

Charles Hodgson Lindsey is a British computer scientist, most known for his involvement with the programming language ALGOL 68. He was an editor of the Revised Report on Algol 68, and co-wrote a ground breaking book on the language An Informal Introduction to Algol 68, which was unusual because it was written so that it could be read horizontally (i.e., serially, in the normal manner) or vertically (i.e., starting with section 1.1, then 2.1, then 3.1, etc., before going back to section 1.2, then 2.2, and so on) depending on how a reader wanted to learn the language.

Charles H. Lindsey

Charles Hodgson Lindsey is a British computer scientist, most known for his involvement with the programming language ALGOL 68. He was an editor of the Revised Report on Algol 68, and co-wrote a ground breaking book on the language An Informal Introduction to Algol 68, which was unusual because it was written so that it could be read horizontally (i.e., serially, in the normal manner) or vertically (i.e., starting with section 1.1, then 2.1, then 3.1, etc., before going back to section 1.2, then 2.2, and so on) depending on how a reader wanted to learn the language.