Charles Usher

Charles Howard Usher (2 March 1865 – 3 March 1942) was a Scottish ophthalmologist from Edinburgh. He studied medicine at St. Thomas Hospital in London, and after receiving his doctorate in 1891, he remained at St. Thomas, working under Edward Nettleship (1845–1913). Later he was an eye surgeon at the Aberdeen Hospital for Sick Children, and also worked in the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. With Dr. Nettleship and Karl Pearson (1857–1936), Usher produced an important work on albinism called A Monograph on Albinism in Man.

Charles Usher

Charles Howard Usher (2 March 1865 – 3 March 1942) was a Scottish ophthalmologist from Edinburgh. He studied medicine at St. Thomas Hospital in London, and after receiving his doctorate in 1891, he remained at St. Thomas, working under Edward Nettleship (1845–1913). Later he was an eye surgeon at the Aberdeen Hospital for Sick Children, and also worked in the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. With Dr. Nettleship and Karl Pearson (1857–1936), Usher produced an important work on albinism called A Monograph on Albinism in Man.