Charlotte Porter

Charlotte Endymion Porter (Jan. 6, 1857 – Jan. 16, 1942) was an American poet, translator, and literary critic and the cofounder and coeditor of the journal Poet Lore. As the editor or coeditor of editions of the complete works of William Shakespeare, Robert Browning, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and as a translator of major writers from around the world for Poet Lore, she was influential in shaping the American literary taste of her day.

Charlotte Porter

Charlotte Endymion Porter (Jan. 6, 1857 – Jan. 16, 1942) was an American poet, translator, and literary critic and the cofounder and coeditor of the journal Poet Lore. As the editor or coeditor of editions of the complete works of William Shakespeare, Robert Browning, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and as a translator of major writers from around the world for Poet Lore, she was influential in shaping the American literary taste of her day.