Charlotte Woodward Pierce

Charlotte Woodward Pierce was the only woman to sign the Declaration of Sentiments at the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention and live to see the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920. She was the only one of the 68 women who signed the Declaration to see the day that women could vote nationwide. On July 19, 1848, 19-year-old Pierce travelled to Seneca Falls with 6 of her closest friends by wagon upon hearing about the Convention. It was not for many years, until 1920 when Pierce was 91 when she was able to witness the first election in which she was eligible to vote.

Charlotte Woodward Pierce

Charlotte Woodward Pierce was the only woman to sign the Declaration of Sentiments at the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention and live to see the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920. She was the only one of the 68 women who signed the Declaration to see the day that women could vote nationwide. On July 19, 1848, 19-year-old Pierce travelled to Seneca Falls with 6 of her closest friends by wagon upon hearing about the Convention. It was not for many years, until 1920 when Pierce was 91 when she was able to witness the first election in which she was eligible to vote.