Charm City (film)

Charm City is a 2018 crime documentary film directed by Marilyn Ness. The film follows a community in Baltimore, Maryland, over the span of three years of high violence. The film primarily focuses on two threads: the governmental response to the violence—both by the police and the city council—and the citizens' response and the community groups they form. The film debuted at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival and Maryland Film Festival before a wider release.

Charm City (film)

Charm City is a 2018 crime documentary film directed by Marilyn Ness. The film follows a community in Baltimore, Maryland, over the span of three years of high violence. The film primarily focuses on two threads: the governmental response to the violence—both by the police and the city council—and the citizens' response and the community groups they form. The film debuted at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival and Maryland Film Festival before a wider release.