Charter of Ravanica

Charter of Ravanica (Serbian: Раваничка повеља) was the founding charter of the Ravanica monastery, the main endowment (ktetor), and burial place of Prince Lazar of Serbia (r. 1371-1389†), issued in 1381. According to the Vrdnik transcript, the charter dates from 1381, and according to the Bologna transcript, Ravanica dates from 1376/1377.

Charter of Ravanica

Charter of Ravanica (Serbian: Раваничка повеља) was the founding charter of the Ravanica monastery, the main endowment (ktetor), and burial place of Prince Lazar of Serbia (r. 1371-1389†), issued in 1381. According to the Vrdnik transcript, the charter dates from 1381, and according to the Bologna transcript, Ravanica dates from 1376/1377.