Chartered Statistician

Chartered Statistician (CStat) is a professional qualification in Statistics awarded to practising professional statisticians by the Royal Statistical Society in the United Kingdom. A Chartered Statistician may use the post-nominal letters CStat. The required standard for Chartered Statistician registration is typically an accredited UK MMath degree in Mathematics and Statistics, at least five years of peer-reviewed professional practise of advanced Statistics, attainment of a senior-level of technical standing, and an ongoing commitment to Continuing Professional Development.

Chartered Statistician

Chartered Statistician (CStat) is a professional qualification in Statistics awarded to practising professional statisticians by the Royal Statistical Society in the United Kingdom. A Chartered Statistician may use the post-nominal letters CStat. The required standard for Chartered Statistician registration is typically an accredited UK MMath degree in Mathematics and Statistics, at least five years of peer-reviewed professional practise of advanced Statistics, attainment of a senior-level of technical standing, and an ongoing commitment to Continuing Professional Development.