Chartreuse Mountains

The Chartreuse Mountains (French: massif de la Chartreuse [masif d(ə) la ʃaʁtʁøz]) are a mountain range in southeastern France, stretching from the city of Grenoble in the south to the Lac du Bourget in the north. They are part of the French Prealps, which continue as the Bauges to the north and the Vercors to the south.

Chartreuse Mountains

The Chartreuse Mountains (French: massif de la Chartreuse [masif d(ə) la ʃaʁtʁøz]) are a mountain range in southeastern France, stretching from the city of Grenoble in the south to the Lac du Bourget in the north. They are part of the French Prealps, which continue as the Bauges to the north and the Vercors to the south.