Chashmasor, Fayzobod District

Chashmasor (Tajik: Чашмасор, Persian: چشمه‌سار‎) is a village and jamoat in Tajikistan. It is located in Fayzobod District, one of the Districts of Republican Subordination. It consists of 7 villages, including Chashmasor (the seat) and Takhtialif.

Chashmasor, Fayzobod District

Chashmasor (Tajik: Чашмасор, Persian: چشمه‌سار‎) is a village and jamoat in Tajikistan. It is located in Fayzobod District, one of the Districts of Republican Subordination. It consists of 7 villages, including Chashmasor (the seat) and Takhtialif.