Checkpoint 303

Checkpoint 303 is a non-profit musical collective from the emerging Arabic and Middle-Eastern scene. The activist musical project was launched by Tunisian SC Mocha and Palestinian SC Yosh in 2004 and has secured an avant-garde position on the Arabic underground music scene (see also Tunisian underground music). The non-commercial aspect of this musical project is a fundamental dimension of the band's work since it allows for creative freedom and the liberty to express activist opinions. Checkpoint 303's compositions are inspired by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East and the suffering it causes to the civilian populations throughout the region.

Checkpoint 303

Checkpoint 303 is a non-profit musical collective from the emerging Arabic and Middle-Eastern scene. The activist musical project was launched by Tunisian SC Mocha and Palestinian SC Yosh in 2004 and has secured an avant-garde position on the Arabic underground music scene (see also Tunisian underground music). The non-commercial aspect of this musical project is a fundamental dimension of the band's work since it allows for creative freedom and the liberty to express activist opinions. Checkpoint 303's compositions are inspired by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East and the suffering it causes to the civilian populations throughout the region.