Chemish Ridge

Chemish Ridge (Bulgarian: хребет Чемиш, ‘Hrebet Chemish’ \'hre-bet 'che-mish\) is the rocky ridge extending 8.55 km in west-northwest to east-southeast direction, 2 km wide and rising to 600 m on Foyn Coast, Antarctic Peninsula. The ridge surmounts Attlee Glacier to the north and Bevin Glacier to the south, with its east extremity forming Fitzmaurice Point. The feature is named after the settlement of Chemish in Northwestern Bulgaria.

Chemish Ridge

Chemish Ridge (Bulgarian: хребет Чемиш, ‘Hrebet Chemish’ \'hre-bet 'che-mish\) is the rocky ridge extending 8.55 km in west-northwest to east-southeast direction, 2 km wide and rising to 600 m on Foyn Coast, Antarctic Peninsula. The ridge surmounts Attlee Glacier to the north and Bevin Glacier to the south, with its east extremity forming Fitzmaurice Point. The feature is named after the settlement of Chemish in Northwestern Bulgaria.