Chiashan Air Force Base

Chiashan Air Force Base (Chinese: 佳山基地) is a military airport operated by the Republic of China Air Force in Hualien County, Taiwan. It is known for its extensive underground hangars. Hualien Airport operates within a 28 acre civilian section of the base. It is one of the most important defense installations on Taiwan as it houses the military’s most survivable aerial counter-attack forces.

Chiashan Air Force Base

Chiashan Air Force Base (Chinese: 佳山基地) is a military airport operated by the Republic of China Air Force in Hualien County, Taiwan. It is known for its extensive underground hangars. Hualien Airport operates within a 28 acre civilian section of the base. It is one of the most important defense installations on Taiwan as it houses the military’s most survivable aerial counter-attack forces.