Chicken (gay slang)

Chicken can be used, usually by gay men referring to other gay men, to mean a young gay man or young-appearing gay man. Author Bruce Rodgers defines the term as "1. any boy under the age of consent, heterosexual, fair of face, and unfamiliar with homosexuality ("So many chickens were flapping around that I thought we were touring Colonel Sanders' plantation”) 2. juvenile, youthful, young-looking." Others have defined it as a young man who engages in sex for money or favors.

Chicken (gay slang)

Chicken can be used, usually by gay men referring to other gay men, to mean a young gay man or young-appearing gay man. Author Bruce Rodgers defines the term as "1. any boy under the age of consent, heterosexual, fair of face, and unfamiliar with homosexuality ("So many chickens were flapping around that I thought we were touring Colonel Sanders' plantation”) 2. juvenile, youthful, young-looking." Others have defined it as a young man who engages in sex for money or favors.