China Perspectives

China Perspectives (French: Perspectives chinoises) is an academic quarterly launched in 1995 by the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) and published in Hong Kong. It is the English version of the French-language scientific journal created in 1992 by Michel Bonnin (Chief Editor from 1992 to 1998), Jean-Philippe Béja and Raphaël Jacquet. China Perspectives provides analysis of developments in the contemporary Chinese world (the PRC, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau) and uses an interdisciplinary approach.

China Perspectives

China Perspectives (French: Perspectives chinoises) is an academic quarterly launched in 1995 by the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) and published in Hong Kong. It is the English version of the French-language scientific journal created in 1992 by Michel Bonnin (Chief Editor from 1992 to 1998), Jean-Philippe Béja and Raphaël Jacquet. China Perspectives provides analysis of developments in the contemporary Chinese world (the PRC, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau) and uses an interdisciplinary approach.