China Railway Qingzang Group

China Railway Qingzang Group, officially abbreviated as CR Qingzang or CR-Qingzang, also known as CR Qinghai-Tibet and CRQT, formerly, Qinghai-Tibet Railway Company or Qingzang Railway Company is a subsidiaries company under the jurisdiction of the China Railway (formerly the Ministry of Railway). It supervises the railway network within Qinghai and Tibet. The company was founded in 2002 and reincorporated in 2017.

China Railway Qingzang Group

China Railway Qingzang Group, officially abbreviated as CR Qingzang or CR-Qingzang, also known as CR Qinghai-Tibet and CRQT, formerly, Qinghai-Tibet Railway Company or Qingzang Railway Company is a subsidiaries company under the jurisdiction of the China Railway (formerly the Ministry of Railway). It supervises the railway network within Qinghai and Tibet. The company was founded in 2002 and reincorporated in 2017.