Chinthurst Hill

Chinthurst Hill is a 17.2-hectare (43-acre) Local Nature Reserve south of Guildford in Surrey. It is owned by Surrey County Council and managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust. Chinthurst Hill Tower is a Grade II Scheduled Monument. The hill has woodland and dry acid grassland. There are woodland flowering plants such as wood anemone, yellow archangel, wood forget-me-not, red campion, common figwort, butcher’s broom and lady’s smock. There is access from Kings Road.

Chinthurst Hill

Chinthurst Hill is a 17.2-hectare (43-acre) Local Nature Reserve south of Guildford in Surrey. It is owned by Surrey County Council and managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust. Chinthurst Hill Tower is a Grade II Scheduled Monument. The hill has woodland and dry acid grassland. There are woodland flowering plants such as wood anemone, yellow archangel, wood forget-me-not, red campion, common figwort, butcher’s broom and lady’s smock. There is access from Kings Road.