Chita Republic

The Chita Republic (Russian: Читинская республика) was a workers' republic based from Chita from 1905-1906. Chita, a city in eastern Siberia, Russia, and a place of exile for early revolutionaries and combatants of the Russo-Japanese War, was a center for worker unrest in the early 1900s. During the Russian Revolution of 1905 armed revolutionaries under the leadership of the RSDLP headed by Viktor Kurnatovsky, , and Ivan Babushkin organized themselves into a "Soviet of Soldiers' and Cossacks' Deputies" and took control over the city, declaring the Chita Republic in December 1905.

Chita Republic

The Chita Republic (Russian: Читинская республика) was a workers' republic based from Chita from 1905-1906. Chita, a city in eastern Siberia, Russia, and a place of exile for early revolutionaries and combatants of the Russo-Japanese War, was a center for worker unrest in the early 1900s. During the Russian Revolution of 1905 armed revolutionaries under the leadership of the RSDLP headed by Viktor Kurnatovsky, , and Ivan Babushkin organized themselves into a "Soviet of Soldiers' and Cossacks' Deputies" and took control over the city, declaring the Chita Republic in December 1905.