Choiseul family

Choiseul is an illustrious noble family from Champagne, France, descendants of the comtes of Langres. The family's head was , comte de Langres and sire de Choiseul, who in 1182 married , daughter of Louis VI of France. It has formed into the Langres, Clémont, Aigremont, , Allecourt, Frontières, Praslin, Plessis branches, among others. It also took the name Choiseul-Gouffier from the 18th century onwards. It has produced several marshals: Two bishops and an archbishop: Also a famous minister, a diplomat, etc. :

Choiseul family

Choiseul is an illustrious noble family from Champagne, France, descendants of the comtes of Langres. The family's head was , comte de Langres and sire de Choiseul, who in 1182 married , daughter of Louis VI of France. It has formed into the Langres, Clémont, Aigremont, , Allecourt, Frontières, Praslin, Plessis branches, among others. It also took the name Choiseul-Gouffier from the 18th century onwards. It has produced several marshals: Two bishops and an archbishop: Also a famous minister, a diplomat, etc. :