Christian video game

A Christian video game, or Bible game, is a video game based on teachings of Christianity. Christian video games were first marketed successfully by BibleBytes in the early 1980s on several different microcomputer platforms. Wisdom Tree introduced Christian themes to console games, starting in 1991, with the unlicensed Bible Adventures for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Now they are made by many different developers. Most of these new developers meet yearly at the "Christian Games Developers Conference" and build support through the Christian Game Developers Foundation.

Christian video game

A Christian video game, or Bible game, is a video game based on teachings of Christianity. Christian video games were first marketed successfully by BibleBytes in the early 1980s on several different microcomputer platforms. Wisdom Tree introduced Christian themes to console games, starting in 1991, with the unlicensed Bible Adventures for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Now they are made by many different developers. Most of these new developers meet yearly at the "Christian Games Developers Conference" and build support through the Christian Game Developers Foundation.