Christina Perks

Christina Poznanska Perks, OAA, FRAIC (born 1935) is a Canadian architect known for her contributions to the public sector by managing the design and construction of Canadian Embassies. Throughout her career she has been an advocate for women's rights in the architecture industry. In celebration of the first woman president (Ellis Galea Kirkland) of the OAA Perks responded with "...Ms. Kirkland has moved from the usual reported role of woman as victim to an active shaper of the future environment. Hurrah!" She currently resides in Toronto, Ontario.

Christina Perks

Christina Poznanska Perks, OAA, FRAIC (born 1935) is a Canadian architect known for her contributions to the public sector by managing the design and construction of Canadian Embassies. Throughout her career she has been an advocate for women's rights in the architecture industry. In celebration of the first woman president (Ellis Galea Kirkland) of the OAA Perks responded with "...Ms. Kirkland has moved from the usual reported role of woman as victim to an active shaper of the future environment. Hurrah!" She currently resides in Toronto, Ontario.